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Objective Questions For 11 Class

1.Who is the father of compute - Charles Babb age
2.Which characteristics of computer – speed, accuracy, reliability, diligence, versatility, large memory etc.
3.Technology used in 1st generation – Vacuumed tube
4.Technology used in 2nd generation –Transistor
5.Technology used in 3rd generation – Medium scale Integrated circuit (MSI)
6.Technology used in 4th generation – Large scale integrated circuit (LSI)
7.Technology used in 5th generation – Very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI)
8.Cold booting – Process of booting a computer that is off.
9.Warm booting – Process of booting by restarting or resetting a computer that is already on.
10.Wild card * (Streak)- It matches any number of character
11.Wild card ?(Question) – It matches no more than one character
12.MS-DOS – (Microsoft Disk Operating system) develop by Microsoft Corporation of USA in early 1981.
13.Directory – A directory is essentially a special type of file, which contains other files.
14.Root Directory – It is main directory of a disk, which is created during disk formation.
15.Key combination to reboot the system- Ctrl + Alt + Delete is used to reboot the system.
16.Operating system – An operating system is system software, which may be viewed as as an organized collection of software consisting of procedures for operating a computer and providing an environment for execution of program. It is a class of a program, which manages the resources of the computer, processes commands and control program execution.
17.Define Compaction – To overcome the problem of fragmentation all the free areas have to be periodically combined into one contiguous area. This process is called compaction.
18.What is single contiguous allocation- In this method the memory is allocated to single job.
19.What is multiprogramming-In this method more than one process can utilize the memory at the same time.